What Role(s) did you take on in the group?
I felt that my role in the group was to help produce illustrations for the final resolution. I also participated in providing my input to the ideas when we were in group sessions in the studio. I feel that everyone in our group had an equal opportunity to put their ideas forward for discussion.
How well do you think you performed in the role(s)?
I felt that I worked productively in the group performing my role as one of the illustrators. Although illustration isn't one of my strong areas I was willing to help in any means necessary to complete the brief set.
How well do you think you worked as a group?
My group was able to collaborate together very well. All the members of our group were able to work with each other, with everyone in the group being able to bounce ideas back and forth between us. Within the group we split into pairs, each pair working on a different aspect for the final solution. I think this worked well because we all went away and were focused on what aspect we had to work on. Most of the time we were always in a group situation where we could design and develop our ideas.
What were the positives of working in a group?
Working as a group has a lot of positives, I found that everyone in our group had a range of different skills that we were able to use to our advantage. One main advantage was that the amount of work we produced was more than I would have been able to produce on my own to a high standard. I also thought that it was good working in a group as I was able to get to know more people from within the course.
What were the negatives in working in a group?
Unlike working on your own, it is harder to decide on a direction to take, as everyone has different styles and methods of working, although I thought we managed to find something we all agreed on. It was also hard to gauge the amount of work different members put into the project and what ideas will be used and wont be.
What will you do differently next time?
I would have liked to have had a wider range of ideas and conceptual images to work with, maybe each person trying out more than one aspect of the final solution and then developing the ideas from there.
Where could you have improved your resolution?
Could have extended the project by expanding the campaign of 'Home in a box'. Things that we could have included were examples of websites that could be used to order the product. We could have included more of a range of posters and put these into visuals like bus stops and billboards to give an idea of what they would look like out and about in they surrounding environment.
What are the Strengths of you presentation?
Our presentation was good, it clearly showed our product and examples of the posters that would support our campaign to raise awareness for 'Home in a box'. It also explained how we went about our project, giving a general summary of all our roles in the designing of the final solution.
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